Sunday, September 26, 2010

Colonial America

This coming Friday (October 1st) we will have our first traditional assessment of the year.  The assessment (test) will focus on the development of the colonies in America. This time period is from 1600s through  1763.  This will bring us very close to the beginning of the seeds of the American Revolution.  Also the three cultures that interact and clash are Native Americans, Africans and Europeans.  This interaction and sharing of ideas will be a theme and emphasis in the coming weeks of class.  Students can access the study guide on the right hand side of the class site and I have been sharing this document through email.  I also have printed out copies for students to put in their binder if they need the hard copy.  Our schedule for this week looks as follows:

Monday -   review previous material and look at why the colony of North Carolina developed slowly in the following areas -  politically, socially, economically and religiously.

Tuesday - economics and religion in the thirteen colonies.

Wednesday - Native American cultures and beliefs in North Carolina and North America.

Thursday - review material for greater understanding.

Friday - take the test.

Mr. G

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