Thursday, October 28, 2010

Road to Revolution Project

Students, parents and guardians, today we started our "Road to Revolution" project.  This unit we dive into the history of North Carolina and the other twelve colonies at the start of the American Revolution.  The objective of the project is for students to understand the causes and outcomes of the American Revolution.  To demonstrate that understanding, students will be working in groups of two and present a digital presentation on a particular topic to the class.  Students will have the opportunity to pick a topic of interest and research on that topic.  After completing the research,  students will create a three to five minute presentation using powerpoint.    Students will also learn how to create and deliver an effective presentation to an audience.  We have probably viewed and listened to numerous powerpoint presentations that brought us to the verge of tears and with some guidance students will develop presentations that will education and captivate the other students.

Mr. G

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