Friday, October 21, 2011

American Revolution Digital Storytelling Project

Over the last two weeks students have been working in groups of two and researching a particular topic on the American Revolution. Everything from the Stamp Act, Boston Massacre, the role of women in the Revolution, Battles of Lexington and Concord, the role of international involvement, Loyalists vs. Patriots and the role of propaganda in the American Revolution. Students are learning reading, researching, note-taking, collaboration and communication skills. Also students are also learning a new on-line presentation software program called prezi. We as a class decided that creating the some old and uninspiring powerpoint presentations were no longer valuable tool in our classroom. We hope with the use of prezi and the choice of moving away from reading directly from largely textual slides will be a thing of the past in Social Studies and all of our classes. This Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will be the classroom presentation.

Good Luck!
Mr. G

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